Verse | Quran |
7:163 | Ask them concerning the town standing close by the sea. Behold! they transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath. For on the day of their Sabbath their fish did come to them, openly holding up their heads, but on the day they had no Sabbath, they came not: thus did We make a trial of them, for they were given to transgression. |
18:61 | But when they reached the Junction, they forgot (about) their Fish, which took its course through the sea (straight) as in a tunnel. |
18:63 | He replied: "Sawest thou (what happened) when we betook ourselves to the rock? I did indeed forget (about) the Fish: none but Satan made me forget to tell (you) about it: it took its course through the sea in a marvellous way!" |
21:87 | And remember Zun-nun, when he departed in wrath: He imagined that We had no power over him! But he cried through the deptHs of darkness, "There is no god but thou: glory to thee: I was indeed wrong!" |
37:142 | Then the big Fish did swallow him, and he had done acts worthy of blame. |
68:48 | So wait with patience for the Command of thy Lord, and be not like the Companion of the Fish,- when he cried out in agony. |
The Quran's Verse about fish