

Verse Quran
7:132 They said (to Moses): "Whatever be the Signs thou bringest, to work therewith thy sorcery on us, we shall never believe in thee.
7:133 So We sent (plagues) on them: Wholesale death, Locusts, Lice, Frogs, And Blood: Signs openly self-explained: but they were steeped in arrogance,- a people given to sin.
20:22 "Now draw thy hand close to thy side: It shall come forth white (and shining), without harm (or stain),- as another Sign.
20:23 "In order that We may show thee (two) of our Greater Signs.
79:20 Then did (Moses) show him the Great Sign.

The Quran's Verse about miracle

emigrant, prophet Mohammed, the muheym, stedfast and mutes, granting person, reward, believers, hypocrites, evil, polytheist, self-sufficient, oneness of god, unhappiness, righteous, almohad, ingratitude, lot, overrule, generation, nasr,