

Verse Quran
5:54 O ye who believe! if any from among you turn back from his Faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him,- lowly with the believers, mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault. That is the grace of Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleaseth. And Allah encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things.
7:18 (Allah) said: "Get out from this, disgraced and expelled. If any of them follow thee,- Hell will I fill with you all.
12:32 She said: "There before you is the man about whom ye did blame me! I did seek to seduce him from his (true) self but he did firmly save himself guiltless!....and now, if he doth not my bidding, he shall certainly be cast into prison, and (what is more) be of the company of the vilest!"
12:92 He said: "This day let no reproach be (cast) on you: Allah will forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!
14:22 And Satan will say when the matter is decided: "It was Allah Who gave you a promise of Truth: I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but ye listened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with Allah. For wrong-doers there must be a grievous penalty."
17:18 If any do wish for the transitory things (of this life), We readily grant them - such things as We will, to such person as We will: in the end have We provided Hell for them: they will burn therein, disgraced and rejected.
17:22 Take not with Allah another object of worship; or thou (O man!) wilt sit in disgrace and destitution.
17:29 Make not thy hand tied (like a niggard's) to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that thou become blameworthy and destitute.
17:39 These are among the (precepts of) wisdom, which thy Lord has revealed to thee. Take not, with Allah, another object of worship, lest thou shouldst be thrown into Hell, blameworthy and rejected.
23:6 Except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess,- for (in their case) they are free from blame.
37:142 Then the big Fish did swallow him, and he had done acts worthy of blame.
51:40 So We took him and his forces, and threw them into the sea; and his was the blame.
51:54 So turn away from them: not thine is the blame.
68:30 Then they turned, one against another, in reproach.
68:49 Had not Grace from his Lord reached him, he would indeed have been cast off on the naked shore, in disgrace.
70:30 Except with their wives and the (captives) whom their right hands possess,- for (then) they are not to be blamed.
75:2 And I do call to witness the self-reproaching spirit: (Eschew Evil).

The Quran's Verse about condemnation

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