

Verse Quran
11:59 Such were the 'Ad People: they rejected the Signs of their Lord and Cherisher; disobeyed His messengers; And followed the command of every powerful, obstinate transgressor.
14:15 But they sought victory and decision (there and then), and frustration was the lot of every powerful obstinate transgressor.
50:24 (The sentence will be:) "Throw, throw into Hell every contumacious Rejecter (of Allah)!.
67:21 Or who is there that can provide you with Sustenance if He were to withhold His provision? Nay, they obstinately persist in insolent impiety and flight (from the Truth).
74:16 By no means! For to Our Signs he has been refractory!

The Quran's Verse about transgressor

fig, give, build, if Allah will, Iram, chastity, Jesus, Isaac, punishment, reform, Islam, Isma'il, proof, Israel, children of Israel, retired, obey and rebel, honour, tribe, women,