

Verse Quran
18:31 For them will be Gardens of Eternity; beneath them rivers will flow; they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade: They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good the recompense! How beautiful a couch to recline on!
44:53 Dressed in fine silk and in rich brocade, they will face each other.
55:54 They will recline on Carpets, whose inner linings will be of rich brocade: the Fruit of the Gardens will be near (and easy of reach).
76:21 Upon them will be green Garments of fine silk and heavy brocade, and they will be adorned with Bracelets of silver; and their Lord will give to them to drink of a Wine Pure and Holy.

The Quran's Verse about atlas

hunting, handful, slip, azar, randy, provisions, great, babel, donate, forgive, virgin, taunt, example of spike, dream of spike and interpretation, perception, rebel, false, faint, unfortunate, bedouin,