Verse | Quran |
2:259 | Or (take) the similitude of one who passed by a hamlet, all in ruins to its roofs. He said: "Oh! how shall Allah bring it (ever) to life, after (this) its death?" but Allah caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him up (again). He said: "How long didst thou tarry (thus)?" He said: (Perhaps) a day or part of a day." He said: "Nay, thou hast tarried thus a hundred years; but look at thy food and thy drink; they show no signs of age; and look at thy donkey: And that We may make of thee a sign unto the people, Look further at the bones, how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh." When this was shown clearly to him, he said: "I know that Allah hath power over all things." |
6:146 | For those who followed the Jewish Law, We forbade every (animal) with undivided hoof, and We forbade them that fat of the ox and the sheep, except what adheres to their backs or their entrails, or is mixed up with a bone: this in recompense for their wilful disobedience: for We are true (in Our ordinances). |
17:49 | They say: "What! when we are reduced to bones and dust, should we really be raised up (to be) a new creation?" |
17:98 | That is their recompense, because they rejected Our signs, and said, "When we are reduced to bones and broken dust, should we really be raised up (to be) a new Creation?" |
19:4 | Praying: "O my Lord! infirm indeed are my bones, and the hair of my head doth glisten with grey: but never am I unblest, O my Lord, in my prayer to Thee! |
21:100 | There, sobbing will be their lot, nor will they there hear (aught else). |
23:14 | Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create! |
23:35 | "Does he promise that when ye die and become dust and bones, ye shall be brought forth (again)? |
23:82 | They say: "What! when we die and become dust and bones, could we really be raised up again? |
36:78 | And he makes comparisons for Us, and forgets his own (origin and) Creation: He says, "Who can give life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?" |
37:16 | "What! when we die, and become dust and bones, shall we (then) be raised up (again) |
37:53 | "'When we die and become dust and bones, shall we indeed receive rewards and punishments?'" |
56:47 | And they used to say, "What! when we die and become dust and bones, shall we then indeed be raised up again?. |
75:3 | Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones? |
75:26 | Yea, when (the soul) reaches to the collar-bone (in its exit). |
79:11 | "What! - when we shall have become rotten bones?" |
86:7 | Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs. |
The Quran's Verse about bone