

Verse Quran
22:7 And verily the Hour will come: there can be no doubt about it, or about (the fact) that Allah will raise up all who are in the graves.
35:22 Nor are alike those that are living and those that are dead. Allah can make any that He wills to hear; but thou canst not make those to hear who are (buried) in graves.
36:51 The trumpet shall be sounded, when behold! from the sepulchres (men) will rush forth to their Lord!
50:42 The Day when they will hear a (mighty) Blast in (very) truth: that will be the Day of Resurrection.
54:7 They will come forth,- their eyes humbled - from (their) graves, (torpid) like locusts scattered abroad.
70:43 The Day whereon they will issue from their sepulchres in sudden haste as if they were rushing to a goal-post (fixed for them).
80:21 Then He causeth him to die, and putteth him in his grave.
82:4 And when the Graves are turned upside down;.
100:9 Does he not know,- when that which is in the graves is scattered abroad

The Quran's Verse about grave

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